Delta Phi Epsilon
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
What is Cystic Fibrosis?
CF is a progressive, genetic disease that causes persistent lung infections and limits an individuals ability to breathe over time. In the lungs, there is an excess amount of mucous produced which makes it very hard to breathe and develop normally. There are more than 30,000 people in the U.S. and more than 70,000 people worldwide who are living with CF. With the advancement of research and new medical treatments, individuals with CF are now estimated to live until they are in there 30s or 40s.

Gamma Tau Chapter & Cystic Fibrosis
Our chapter holds our annual DPhiE Mac N' Cheese philanthropy dinner each Fall semester to raise money for CFF. In addition, we hold our 65 Roses Gala which raises awareness and support for those living with CF. Our chapter holds this philanthropy close to our heart and hopefully one day we can make CF stand for cure found!
National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders
What is Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders?
ANAD is a national organization that helps alleviate the pain and suffering that individuals with eating disorders face throughout their lifetime. There are about 30 million people worldwide who suffer from eating disorders. ANAD is able to provide free resources for families, schools and individuals who are in recovery.

Gamma Tau Chapter & Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders
Our chapter holds our annual DPhiE Mac N' Cheese philanthropy dinner each Spring semester to raise money for ANAD. In addition, we hold our ANAD week which raises awareness and support for those who have struggled or who are currently struggling with an eating disorder. We end this week with an ANAD vigil where we honor those individuals who are still in recovery of an eating disorder. During this week we not only focus on eating disorders, but letting each individual know that they are unique and beautiful. This philanthropy is one that all of our sisters are very passionate about since each one of us has struggled with body image issues at some point throughout our lives.
Delta Phi Epsilon Educational Foundation

What is the Educational Foundation?
The Educational Foundation was established in 1966 as a way to serve undergraduate members as well as alumna of DPhiE by providing funding for leadership conferences and training as well as offering several educational scholarships. The goal of this foundation is to be able to give back and further the women of DPhiE.
Gamma Tau Chapter & the Educational Foundation
Our chapter held our first annual t-shirt auction in the Spring semester to raise money for the Educational Foundation. Sisters donated all types of t-shirts and the money raised went directly to support and empower sisters of DPhiE. Additionally, our chapter went all in in Spring 2019 and donated $1,575 to the Educational Foundation. We love finding new ways to fundraise for an organization that helps empower the women that we are surrounded by.